Clitoroplasty Clitoroplasty
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Clitoroplasty is a surgical procedure that can enhance the appearance and function of the clitoris. This procedure can improve sexual satisfaction and alleviate discomfort caused by clitoral hypertrophy.
How It Works
During a clitoroplasty procedure, an incision is made in the clitoral hood, and excess tissue is removed. The remaining tissue is then sutured in place to enhance the appearance and function of the clitoris. This procedure can be performed under general or local anesthesia and typically takes between one and two hours to complete.
Benefits of Clitoroplasty
- Enhances sexual satisfaction
- Improves the appearance and function of the clitoris
- Alleviates discomfort caused by clitoral hypertrophy
- Can improve self-confidence and body image
The Procedure
The clitoroplasty procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, and patients can usually return home the same day. Patients may experience some discomfort and swelling after the procedure, but pain medication can be provided to manage discomfort.
After the procedure, patients will need to avoid strenuous activity and sexual intercourse for several weeks to allow the incisions to properly heal. Patients will also need to keep the area clean and dry to prevent infection. Most patients can return to work and normal activities within one to two weeks, depending on the extent of the procedure.
Results from a clitoroplasty procedure can be seen immediately, but the full effects of the treatment may take several months to appear as swelling subsides. Results can last several years, but this varies from patient to patient.
As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved with clitoroplasty. Some risks associated with this procedure include bleeding, infection, and scarring. However, serious complications are rare when the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced provider.
1. Am I a good candidate for clitoroplasty?
Good candidates for clitoroplasty are individuals who are in good overall health and have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure. They should also have experienced discomfort or dissatisfaction due to clitoral hypertrophy. It is important to consult with a qualified provider to determine if this procedure is right for you.
2. How long does the clitoroplasty procedure take?
The clitoroplasty procedure typically takes between one and two hours to complete, depending on the extent of the treatment.
3. How long is the recovery time for clitoroplasty?
Recovery time varies depending on the extent of the procedure, but most patients can return to work and normal activities within one to two weeks. Patients may experience some discomfort and swelling after the procedure, but pain medication can be provided to manage discomfort.
4. How long do the results of clitoroplasty last?
The results of clitoroplasty are long-lasting, but it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid significant weight fluctuations to prolong the results.
5. Will clitoroplasty affect my sexual function?
Clitoroplasty is typically not expected to affect sexual function. In fact, many women report improved sexual satisfaction and increased pleasure during sexual activity after the procedure.
6. What are the risks associated with clitoroplasty?
As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved with clitoroplasty. Some risks associated with this procedure include bleeding, infection, and scarring. However, serious complications are rare when the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced provider.
Estimated Surgery Time Estimated Surgery Time

Clitoroplasty surgery takes about 1-2 hours.

Estimated Hospital stay Estimated Hospital stay

Overnight stay may be required.

Estimated Days in Country Estimated Days in Country

Recommended stay is about 1 week.

Estimated Recovery Time Estimated Recovery Time

It takes 2-3 days to return to work, around 6 weeks to fully recover from the surgery.